Estrella Damm, the iconic Spanish beer brand, who have recently become the new Title Sponsors of the Estrella Damm N.A. Andalucía Masters have arranged live music to entertain spectators on each day of the tournament from Thursday 27 June up and including Sunday 30 June. The bands will play live each evening on the Show Stage situated in the centre of the Public Village adjacent to the 7thhole at Real Club Valderrama.
Each evening will feature a different band with details as shown below:-
Day | Band | Concert time | End Concert | |
Thursday | Manu Valiana | 19:30 | 20:30 | |
Friday | The Vintage Girls | 19:30 | 20:30 | |
Saturday | Julia Martin | 18:00 | 19:00 | |
Sunday | Chillandgo | 18:00 | 19:00 |
Loop itfromJacinto Castillo O2OonVimeo.
Chillandgo VersionsfromJacinto Castillo O2OonVimeo.
Manu ValianafromJacinto Castillo O2OonVimeo.
Vintage GirlsfromJacinto Castillo O2OonVimeo.